Welcome to Acroduster.net

Starduster Magazines
A very big Thank You goes to Charles Hembree for making these pdf files from the original magazines.
 Index of magazines in Excel format
 Index of magazines in .PDF format
 Link to the magazines Warning: the pdf files of the magazines are 20-30 Megabytes. They may take a while on slow connections

All pictures Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Matthew C Meek. All rights reserved

Pictures from Starduster Fly-ins
 2001 FlyIn
 2002 FlyIn

Pictures from Arlington 2003
 Arlington 2003 (multiple pages, just click the arrows at the top of the page)

Construction Photos
These are pictures of my construction so far. These photos are not yet sorted and are in fact out of order due to my switching cameras a few times while building. When I have some time I will try to sort them into meaningful sequences.
Construction Photo Index

Computer generated 3-D images of the Acroduster (SA750) Fuselage
Acroduster II Fuselage Detail

Aircraft Spruce
Starduster Forums